7 Reasons Why You Need a Fence Around a Pool in Newtown, CT

Owning a swimming pool in your backyard is no doubt a pleasure. For starters, you can have a discreet late-night dip whenever you want or host a pool party with your friends and family. But regardless of how you use your pool, it’s your responsibility to keep people and pets safe from it. This is one of the primary reasons homeowners call fencing companies for a fence installation in Newtown, CT.

Having a fence around the pool may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t even consider putting extra protection on their pools. Because of this, Newtown Fence Contractors shares their insights on why homeowners in Newtown, CT, should have a fence around their swimming pools.

  1. Safety 

No matter how fun swimming pools are, they’re still a significant hazard for anyone, especially those who don’t know how to swim. This is why we urge homeowners to install a fence for their pools in Newtown, CT. Families with young children who like running around must install an extra layer of security around their swimming pools to keep their kids safe from drowning.

  1. Privacy

Nobody likes relaxing in a swimming pool while your neighbors or passersby are watching. To make swimming pools feel more private, many homeowners are hiring companies for fence installation in Newtown, CT. This additional home feature is ideal for people who are self-conscious while they’re in their bathing suits or for those who don’t fancy the thought of having strangers looking at them while they have a dip.

  1. Connecticut Law Requires Pool Fences

Whether or not you know how to swim, we can agree that swimming pools come with safety hazards, especially if a fence does not surround it. The state of Connecticut requires all its residents to install fences around their swimming pools to protect its citizens. A fence installation in Newtown, CT, is for the sake of homeowners and their loved ones and to keep animals out of the pool area.

  1. Convenience

Most people would instead use a pool net or cover. However, many experts suggest that a fence installation in Newtown, CT is more convenient since pool nets and covers tend to be cumbersome. A pool fence is much more effective than nets and covers since they’re static and are guaranteed to prevent anyone from entering the pool area once it’s locked. 

  1. Easy Installation

You may think that a fence installation for your pool in Newtown, CT, is complicated, but that’s rarely the case. Even a pool builder in Brookfield, CT would recommend getting a fence for any type of swimming pool. If you hire a competent fencing contractor such as the Newtown Fence Contractor, you can guarantee that they can work on setting up a fence of your choice, regardless of how challenging the terrain around your pool is.

  1. Protection for Pets

If you own a pet or more, you understand how frustrating it can be to check them out repeatedly to ensure they’ve not fallen in your pool. With a pool fence installation in Newtown, CT, you can avoid looking back and forth because a pool fence can effectively prevent your pets from entering the pool area. If unsatisfied with a mesh fence, you can always opt for better-looking alternatives, such as vinyl fences.

  1. Savings on Homeowners Insurance

A pool fence installation can help you get a discount on your homeowner’s insurance. Of course, this will depend on the terms and policy you’ve agreed upon. To qualify, insurance providers typically require homeowners to equip their pool fences with bolted gates. But since you’re already investing in high-quality fences, it’s a good idea to consider installing bolted gates to prevent your kids from entering the pool area. You may also opt to consult a paving company for some restoration or repairs to your pavement or driveway leading to your property, for that added curb appeal.

Newtown Fence Contractor

21 Old Farm Rd, Newtown, CT 06470

Phone Number: +14753255080